Although the hazards and pitfalls of raising a family are many - I doubt anything could quite take its place. Pictures help us realize this. When you see the faces of your children and wife all day everyday, its sometimes difficult for these visual intricacies to make impact on the pool of your brain. Its easy to forget to take pictures at all. Only later, upon reflection and when something is locked in the past forever, irretrievable, do these images of the everyday and ordinary take us to a greater emotional depth.
Every once in a while I still run into someone who has stumbled across my blog for the first time - I'm like, "oh, yeah, that!" With a bit of embarrassment, with a bit of pride, with a bit of remorse. Writing for an audience can be pretentious; delusions of grandeur, and just plain delusions may be par for the course. A little bit of this and a little bit of that - "it is what it is" is a nice expression that comes to mind.
for me it is a place to collect some of the debris, the driftwood, the leftovers of the mind, the heart - their pitiful scrambling about, their happy little jaunts, their storms - hopefully their storms; arranging these little pieces together in stacks and patterns, or just letting them fall where they will. How real is real? What is worth talking about? I don't really know. I guess its an exploration then - and here is my family - my pride and joy, my stability, my storm, and my occupation. (the woodpecker is just a visitor)