Thursday, January 28, 2010

Liking Mike

it's hard not to like Mike. he's kind of like the impersonation of that little angel who stands on your shoulder and whispers encouraging things in your ear. except that this angel doesn't take care of his hair and has a giant goatee. the first time I met Mike, I thought maybe he was just a short Harley enthusiast - I could imagine his goatee flaming back into his face, flattened by the force of his big bike. but as it turns out, he's a potter. instead of bug stains, his clothes are covered with earth-colored clay and glaze.
you wouldn't necessarily think Mike was organized, or even passionate - in the way he comes across. but don't let the man fool you. he's a dreamer, yes, but a very good dreamer. he keeps thinking he can make an oblong cooking pot, even though all the other ones have cracked in the kiln. the latest one is still wet, sitting on the table in his little "studio with a view". it's all about the view for Mike. he used to be a landscaper and it looks as though the view from his studio is in a constant state of flux - Mike's own little ongoing search for a quiet place in the world to call his own. I imagine he must be really close to finding it, sitting there in front of his little wheel in the wee hours of the morning, his steady hands working the texture and smell of clay until they begin to take shape.
but making pots and mugs doesn't seem to be what really gets Mike going - (you know that he's going when you hear him laugh and use his favorite word "Amazing!".) and he's also willing to give up his view if and when the time comes to follow his real dream. he's sure that he can help undo the wrongs of the past, that his mediating skills can help turn this world around, and that dreaming of a church where everyone involved can come to the table and have an equal share in its creation is not dreaming too big.
and after getting to know Mike, I think he's probably right. I told him a while back in all honesty that he'll probably make it into the top five people who have most impacted my life. if I have to part ways with Mike at some point, and we can't meet for lunch anymore, I'm going to make sure I take along one of his mugs with me.


Darren Byler said...

nice view of mike.

adalong said...

Well done, Matt! Great insights into a wonderful man!