Friday, July 22, 2011

So Far This Summer

One more-so and one less-so enthused astronauts.

A trip to the Great Lakes Science Center. To be remembered for M's running out of the play area back out into the museum and getting briefly "lost". I'm starting to keep my eye out for those back-pack kid leashes. Is our family really this big?
Although she prefers reading, to weeding, L can be arm-twisted into garden chores from time to time.


Planting a garden. More work than we imagined, but just as much fun.


N is ready to take the helm of the ancient tiller.


M found a place to play.


Wagon rides are great fun, if you get N to stay in the wagon.


N gets in touch with the Wild Man, helped out by chewing on a marker-laden balloon.


N at 1 year is not afraid of sugar-laden foods.


Ice Cream Cones on the porch. what can be better?

. We had to take these two mere-cats home with us after visiting the Cleveland Zoo. A day to be remembered for its heat, its sleepless children, and its parental arguments - just another normal day at the zoo.



Dawn said...

Great pix! And great cat stories. I could tell more to the story.....but not so necessary. Thanks for sharing some of your journey. It is the in the journey where we find meaning, love, and God.........more than some arrival at some ideal destination in this life.

adalong said...

Good to hear from you!

We can relate to the cat stories as a stray cat decided to have her kittens on our back porch one year. NOT WELCOME!

Your garden looks great!