Friday, June 4, 2010

Why I'm Not Blogging

after six weeks of a 5-person family, I think it's finally starting to feel just a tiny bit normal. after about 6 years, we might even start getting the hang of it. until then, we're exhausted and strung out. not to mention we move (again!) in 15 days. hurray for insanity! raising an infant takes alot more consciousness than I prefer. sleep is precious. without it I can hardly run, can hardly think. this must be how young whipper-snappers turn into adults. but all is not lost. O and I are surprised almost daily how much fun it is to have 3 kids - chaos rules!


Betsy said...

Are you moving to Canal Road?? I heard a rumor you were looking at the house across from my parents.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you find it fun. Great fun!

Shawn said...

I have 2 girls ready to help with the baby sitting.

Evie Weaver said...

Excited to hear you are moving back to Ohio. Job? Your baby pics make me teary and anxious. We have 6 more wks of waiting. Congrats to you and let's get together some time this fall.